With quality training at the heart of the NCTJ, these annual awards highlight the achievements of individuals with promising journalism careers ahead of them.
View the Awards for Excellence categories
View the Awards for Excellence shortlist 2024
Students, trainees and apprentices can enter in the following categories:
✨ News
✨ Sports
✨ Top scoop
✨ Features
✨ Podcast journalism
✨ Data journalism
✨ Videojournalism
Entries are now closed. The ceremony will take place in early 2025.
Entries can nominate themselves or nominate someone else for these specialist categories:
✨ Student project of the year
✨ Innovation of the year
✨ Equality, diversity and inclusion awards
Nominate someone else for these specialist categories:
✨ Apprentice of the year awards
✨ Chairman’s award

APPLY! APPLY! APPLY! You have absolutely nothing to lose. If you are serious about journalism, and you have something to add, then apply and show everyone your work and talent. Good luck!Brendan Marshall, 2019 student top scoop award winner