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NCTJ launches new award to recognise those promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in journalism training

The NCTJ is launching an award to recognise the outstanding work of individuals, educators and trainers, and employers who promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the media and training sector.

The NCTJ is launching an award to recognise the outstanding work of individuals, educators and trainers, and employers who promote equality, diversity and inclusion in the media and training sector.

The new award reflects the NCTJ’s commitment to taking more action on equality, diversity and inclusion to help build a journalism workforce that widens participation so that the media better reflects its audiences and their interests. Click here to view our flyer.

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award can highlight any form of diversity and inclusion.  Nominations can be for:

  • individuals who have created a diverse and inclusive work environment by inspiring and motivating others to achieve outstanding success
  • education and training providers that have been proactive through outreach programmes and unique initiatives that have made a difference and supported an inclusive and engaging environment
  • employers and media organisations that have championed diversity and promoted inclusion within their own workforce and/or for the industry

Joanne Butcher, chief executive of the NCTJ, said: “Following the success of our inaugural award for innovation, won last year by Bournemouth University, we are delighted to be introducing another new award to highlight all the good work that’s being done to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. We hope the winners will inspire others to help tackle this big issue for the media industry.”

Entrants should provide a brief description of why the nominee is worthy of recognition and can nominate themselves or others.

The judges will look for evidence of success in making a measurable difference to diversity in journalism. They will consider the following in the shortlisting process and in making their choice of winner:

  • inventiveness, inspiration, commitment and motivation
  • impactful initiatives that demonstrate a sustained change in the workplace or industry
  • significant benefits or results on any scale

Click here to download the nomination form

The closing date for entries is 14 September 2018. The award will be presented at the NCTJ’s Awards for Excellence ceremony on 29 November.

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