Investigative journalism
E-learning - This course is designed to help you raise the quality of your journalism by equipping you with the skills and confidence to conduct public interest investigations.
This course is designed to help you raise the quality of your journalism by equipping you with the skills and confidence to conduct public interest investigations. It will help you report, edit and publish valuable, impactful journalism. It is aimed at journalists who are looking to develop their investigative skills or specialise in investigations.
The course includes case studies and scenarios for you to attempt as you work through the material. At the end of the course, you will find an appendix with links to more resources and further reading.
The course will cover:
- Introduction to investigations
- Finding and planning an investigative story
- Sources
- Understanding and applying data, including FOIs
- Knowing your rights and difficulties, including the law
Delivered on the Journalism Skills Academy site, you can start at any time and work at your own pace.