NCTJ launches emerging skills for journalists 2014 research project
The NCTJ has launched its latest research project, which examines the changes in the journalism industry and the implications of those changes for the employment of journalistic skills.
The NCTJ has launched its latest research project, which examines the changes in the journalism industry and the implications of those changes for the employment of journalistic skills.
The NCTJ is committed to an on-going programme of research to provide the industry with up-to-date labour market information about journalism. This will be used to inform our current and future strategy and to help us develop our projects and services.
The following will be discussed in this research project:
- developments in the business models of publishing and broadcasting;
- the impact of Leveson;
- employers’ use of journalists and journalists’ skills;
- changing journalistic skills: the impact of IT and digitisation on journalistic skills;
- changing sectoral employment of journalists; and
- continuing skills and professional development
The project will also aim to determine whether changes identified will continue to develop and therefore continue to have an impact.
The issues and consultation papers have been distributed to industry professionals, and the link to the papers can be accessed here.
If you would like to contribute your views on this project please email Mark Spilsbury, the NCTJ’s research consultant, at [email protected].