Eleven journalists added to shortlist for NCTJ awards, sponsored by Reuters

Ten journalists who have achieved top marks in their NCTJ exams have been added to the NCTJ Awards for Excellence shortlist in the performance award categories.

Ten journalists who have achieved top marks in their NCTJ exams have been added to the NCTJ Awards for Excellence shortlist in the performance award categories.

Seven candidates have been shortlisted for the student of the year award, sponsored by Sky News, following their outstanding results in the Diploma in Journalism in 2023-24:

  • Benedict Coneybeare, News Associates London
  • Floris de Bruin, PA Media Academy
  • Imogen Garfinkel, PA Media Academy
  • Joseph Gilbert, University of Sheffield
  • Laura Howard, St Mary’s University
  • Holly Nichols, News Associates London
  • Rebecca Sproston, News Associates Manchester

Based on their performance in the National Qualification in Journalism (NQJ) in 2023-24, there are four journalists on the shortlist for the trainee of the year award, sponsored by Alder Media:

  • Hayley Clarke, University of Kent, BBC News
  • Maia Davies, University of Kent, BBC News
  • Daniel Hordon, Darlington College, The Northern Echo
  • Jacob Ridley, University of Sunderland, PC Gamer

All four shortlisted trainees completed the NQJ as part of the level 7 senior journalist apprenticeship.

View the full Awards for Excellence shortlist here.

Sponsored by Reuters, the Awards for Excellence ceremony and lunch will take place on Friday, 4 April, at Hallé St Peter’s in Manchester.

Around 200 journalists, trainees and supporters are expected to attend, as well as shortlisted entrants and their guests.

The awards celebration will be preceded by an accreditation seminar for course leaders and industry advisers to discuss the latest developments in journalism education and training.

Tickets are available to book here.

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