Apply now for the Daily Mail trainee scheme
Are you from an ethnically diverse background and interested in working for one of the UK’s most successful newspaper groups? Creative Access could help you.
Are you from an ethnically diverse background and interested in working for one of the UK’s most successful newspaper groups? Creative Access could help you.
Creative Access creates paid internship opportunities in the media and creative industries for young people from black and Asian backgrounds. They are currently recruiting for the Mail Online’s year-long trainee scheme.
Rather than apply directly, candidates with a black, Asian or other ethnic minority background should apply through Creative Access. The Daily Mail is committed to working with Creative Access, and takes every candidate they submit seriously.
Candidates must be available to begin the training in September 2014 so this opportunity is suitable for those graduating in the summer of 2014, or for anyone currently working on a local paper or looking for journalism work.
If you think you fit the criteria and would like to apply, please send a CV, covering letter and six cuttings by 6 Jan 2014 to: [email protected].
To keep up with other internship opportunities, follow @_CreativeAccess.