Commissioning Editor Gaelic Services – BBC (Scotland)

Package Description

Job ID: 017131

Salary: £75,750 – £85,000 per annum, depending on relevant skills, knowledge and experience. The expected salary range for this role reflects internal benchmarking and external market insights.

Band: F

Contract Type: Permanent

Location: Scotland / Flexible, frequently required to be present in a BBC Scotland office location (Stornoway, Inverness, Glasgow or Edinburgh)

We’re happy to discuss flexible working. Please indicate your choice under the flexible working question in the application. There is no obligation to raise this at the application stage but if you wish to do so, you are welcome to. Flexible working will be part of the discussion at offer stage.

•    Excellent career progression – the BBC offers great opportunities for employees to seek new challenges and work in different areas of the organisation.

•    Unrivalled training and development opportunities – our in-house Academy hosts a wide range of internal and external courses and certification.

•    Benefits – We offer a negotiable salary package, a flexible 35-hour working week for work-life balance and 25 days annual leave with the option to buy an extra 5 days, a defined pension scheme and discounted dental, health care, gym and much more.

An Obair / Job Introduction

Tha dreuchd mar Dheasaiche Coimiseanaidh a’ tabhann cothrom sònraichte obrachadh aig àrd ìre anns na meadhanan Gàidhlig. Ag obair gu dlùth le Ceannard Sheirbheisean Gàidhlig is Caidreachas a’ BhBC, co-obraichean MG ALBA agus BBC, companaidhean neo-eisimeileach agus compàirtichean eile, bidh an Deasaiche Coimiseanaidh a’ dealbh agus a’ leasachadh ro-innleachdan coimiseanaidh thar mheadhanan agus a’ measadh is a’ stiùireadh raon farsaing de bheachdan agus susbaint thar iomadach gnè. Bithear a’ lorg bheachdan buadhmhor agus innleachdach airson seirbheisean Gàidhlig a’ BhBC: na seanailean loidhneach, ùrlaran didseatach, goireasan air-iarrtas agus na meadhanan sòisealta.

The role of Commissioning Editor offers an exciting opportunity to work at a senior level in Gaelic media. Working with the Head of BBC Gaelic Services and Inclusion, with MG ALBA partners, BBC colleagues, independent companies and industry partners, they will contribute to the development, commissioning and delivery of multi-platform strategies, the assessment of ideas and the management of content pipelines for a broad range of diverse, innovative and impactful content for the BBC’s Gaelic linear services, digital, on-demand products and social platforms.

Prìomh Dhleastanasan agus Uallaichean / Key responsibilities and accountabilities

Comas sàr-eòlas deasachaidh agus iarrtasan coileantachd agus buidseatach a chothromachadh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil susbaint a chaidh a choimiseanadh a rèir ro-innleachd Luach airson na h-Uile a’ BhBC agus prìomhachasan ro-innleachdail com-pàirteachas BBC ALBA.


•    Bidh iad an urra ri bhith a’ làimhseachadh sruth de bheachdan làidir agus cruthachail airson leasachadh, a’ brosnachadh dhòighean-obrach ùr-ghnàthach airson leasachadh bheachdan agus lìbhrigeadh gu iomadh ùrlar.
•    Bidh iad a’ brosnachadh cruthachalachd.
•    Bidh iad a’ leasachadh chom-pàirteachasan deasachaidh ùr-ghnàthach gus buaidh agus luach susbaint a mheudachadh.
•    Bidh iad a’ togail dhàimhean le co-obraichean, riochdairean, com-pàirtichean agus tàlant.
•    Bidh iad ag obair le co-obraichean rianachd gnìomhachais agus ionmhais gus luach an airgid a choileanadh.
•    Bidh iad a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil coimiseanan stèidhichte air tuigse a thaobh iomadachd, gu bheil iad àrd-amasach a thaobh càileachd, luachmhor a thaobh chòraichean agus a’ gabhail sealbh air sruthan maoineachaidh eadar-dhealaichte.
•    Bidh iad comasach air beachdan a mheasadh a rèir ro-innleachd agus fios a thoirt air ais gu sgiobalta agus gu brosnachail.
•    Bidh iad comasach air coimiseanan a’ lìbhrigeadh ann an àm agus taobh a-staigh buidseit, a’ gabhail a-steach a bhith a’ cumail sùil air adhartas agus a’ lorg fhuasglaidhean do dhuilgheadasan le bhith a’ cleachdadh stòrasan fiosrachaidh agus eòlas.
•    Nì iad cinnteach gu bheil susbaint a rèir inbhean, stiùireadh agus poileasaidhean deasachaidh a’ BhBC.
•    Bidh iad a’ togail agus a’ brosnachadh dhàimhean le farsaingeachd de thàlant, agus bidh iad a’ sireadh agus a’ cur eòlas air tàlant ùr.
•    Bidh iad tuigseach air mar a bhios feumalachdan agus modhan an luchd-cleachdaidh ag atharrachadh, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheilear a’ beachdachadh air susbaint ann an cruthan ùra mar phàirt den phròiseas coimiseanaidh.
•    Bidh iad ag obair le sgiobaidhean agus roinnean BBC agus MG ALBA gus dèanamh cinnteach gun tèid susbaint a lìbhrigeadh agus fhoillseachadh thar gach ùrlar.
•    Bidh iad a’ cur ri leasachadh ro-innleachdan sheirbheisean Gàidhlig a’ BhBC agus a bhith an sàs ann an obair gnìomh a’ BhBC agus ar com-pàirteachaidhean.


Ability to balance editorial excellence with all compliance and budgetary requirements, ensuring commissioned content is strategically aligned with the BBC’s Value for All Strategy and the BBC ALBA partnership’s strategic priorities.


•    To be responsible for a comprehensive development pipeline, encouraging an innovative approach to ideas development and delivery to all platforms.
•    To foster creativity.
•    To develop innovative editorial partnerships to enhance the impact and value of commissioned content.
•    To build and manage relationships with producers, partners, contributors and talent.
•    To work with business and finance colleagues to ensure maximum value for money.
•    To ensure commissions are based on a sound understanding of diversity, quality, rights maximization and funding sources.
•    To critically assess ideas according to strategy and give timely and constructive feedback.
•    To ensure that commissions are delivered on time and within budget including monitoring progress, anticipating problems and using multiple sources of information to arrive at solutions.
•    To ensure that content complies with the BBC’s editorial standards, guidelines and policies.
•    To manage and foster relationships with talent in all its diversity and be aware of new and emerging talent.
•    To have an understanding of evolving audience requirements and behaviours, ensuring that new forms of content are being considered as part of the commissioning process.
•    To work with BBC and MG ALBA teams and divisions, helping to ensure cross-platform delivery and discovery of content.
•    To contribute to, develop and facilitate strategies for the BBC’s Gaelic services and be actively involved in wider BBC and partnership activities.


Eòlas, sgilean, trèanadh agus comas / Knowledge, skills, training and experience


•    Sàr eòlas ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh susbaint thar farsaingeachd ghnèithean.
•    Fìor dheagh bharail deasachaidh cuide ri comas ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh, a’ leasachadh agus a’ lìbhrigeadh bheachdan ùra, agus a’ brosnachadh cruthachalachd ann an daoine is sgiobaidhean.
•    Sàr sgilean conaltraidh ann an Gàidhlig fhileanta.
•    Comas dàimhean a thogail le raon farsaing de eòlaichean, com-pàirtichean agus solaraichean.
•    Tuigse air gluasadan anns na meadhanan agus ann am miann is modhan an luchd-cleachdaidh.
•    Comas measadh a dhèanamh agus fios a thoirt seachad gus leasachadh cruthachail a bhrosnachadh.
•    Comas follaiseach air breithneachadh ro-innleachdail a dhèanamh a thaobh chlàran-craolaidh agus foillseachadh susbaint.
•    Comas a bhith a’ leasachadh ro-innleachd sheirbheisean.
•    Comas dearbhte air susbaint a chruthachadh a tha a’ taisbeanadh iomadachd.
•    Tuigse fhollaiseach air iarrtasan agus modhan an luchd-cleachdaidh, a’ dearbhadh gun tèid beachdachadh air susbaint ann an cruthan ùra mar phàirt den phròiseas coimiseanaidh.
•    Sàr sgilean planaidh agus rianachd le comas a bhith a’ cumail ri cinn-latha agus buidseat.
•    Eòlas dearbhte air aontachadh maoineachaidh agus riaghladh bhuidseatan.

Bu Mhath 

•    Tuigse air innleachdan riochdachaidh ùr-nòsach.
•    Tuigse air mar as urrainn do mhodhan lìbhrigidh ioma-ùrlar buaidh choimiseanan a neartachadh.



•    Substantial content making experience across a range of genres.
•    Sound editorial judgment coupled with the ability to devise, develop and deliver new creative ideas, and foster creativity in others.
•    Outstanding communication skills with fluency in the Gaelic language.
•    Ability to foster good relationships with a wide range of contacts, partners and suppliers.
•    Significant understanding of current media and audience trends and behaviours.
•    Ability to deliver feedback to promote creative development.
•    Demonstrable ability to think strategically about content scheduling and publishing.
•    Demonstrable ability to contribute to the development of service strategy.
•    Evidence of a commitment to creating diverse content.
•    Demonstrable understanding of evolving audience requirements and trends, ensuring that new forms of content are being considered as part of the commissioning process.
•    Excellent planning and organisational skills with the ability to meet deadlines and financial commitments.
•    Significant experience and knowledge of negotiating and managing budgets.



•  Understanding of current production techniques and innovations.
•  Understanding of how multi-platform approaches can enhance the impact of commissions.


About the BBC

The BBC is committed to redeploying employees seeking suitable alternative employment within the BBC for different reasons and they will be given priority consideration ahead of other applicants. Priority consideration means for those employees seeking redeployment their application will be considered alongside anyone else at risk of redundancy, prior to any individuals being considered who are not at risk.

We don’t focus simply on what we do – we also care how we do it. Our values and the way we behave are important to us. Please make sure you’ve read about our values and behaviours here.

Diversity matters at the BBC. We have a working environment where we value and respect every individual’s unique contribution, enabling all of our employees to thrive and achieve their full potential.

We want to attract the broadest range of talented people to be part of the BBC – whether that’s to contribute to our programming or our wide range of non-production roles. The more diverse our workforce, the better able we are to respond to and reflect our audiences in all their diversity.

We are committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from individuals, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief. We will consider flexible working requests for all roles, unless operational requirements prevent otherwise.

To find out more about Diversity and Inclusion at the BBC, please click here.

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