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A journalist’s guide to social media

E-learning - Social media is a powerful tool in all newsrooms that is critical to reach a larger audience with our stories, gather insight and interact with our readers.

Social media is a powerful tool in all newsrooms that is critical to reach a larger audience with our stories, gather insight and interact with our readers.

With social media being accessed by over 57.6 million people daily in the UK it allows a huge opportunity to increase our page views and build brand awareness.

Not only can you use social media to share your content but you can also use social media platforms to garner information for upcoming articles such as breaking news.

Throughout this course we will look at the different social media platforms that you as a journalist can use to increase visibility and page views for your stories.

The platforms we will be covering in this course are:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • TikTok

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